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Steroidi anabolizzanti e cortisolo testosterone undecanoate köpa, trenbolone aggression

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Steroidi anabolizzanti e cortisolo testosterone undecanoate köpa

Trenbolone aggression

Steroidi anabolizzanti e cortisolo testosterone undecanoate köpa

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Trenbolone aggression

If you’re looking to get as strong as possible, Tren can be the right choice for you. Whenever I read side effects/reviews of Tren people always go on about aggressiveness while on it and having to control their temper. There is no water retention, it doesn’t convert to estrogen, and it has cortisol lowering effects to it (which can definitely help with fat loss and growth, since cortisol is the enemy). , aggression when testosterone peaks, and fatigue/irritability when testosterone dips). Yep, if 700mg/week trenbolone doesnt turn you into a raging maniac, nothing will.

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